Maroochydore Beach

22 July, 2011

Living in a zoo AND eating free food... Gotta love this country!

It's like living in a zoo here! When you walk to campus there's kangaroos and apparently snakes everywhere and there's so many weird birds! The bird outside my window is so annoying! It sounds like a duck and a sick cat at the same time, it's right outside my window and it makes so much noise in the morning! It's livng life dangerously cause if it keeps doing that I'm gonna hunt it down and kill that bird!
Went to campus yesterday to get some informations about my subjects - everything sounds cool - except from the accounting part - I'm so not gonna take that class if I can change it!

Last night there was a cocktail party in Maroochydore at the Sunshine Plaza. I wouldn't exactly call it a cocktail party (beers in plastic cups!?) but it was fun! Some got hangovers today - I'm okay - I ate free breakfast at Varsity (pancakes and french toast with bacon!) this morning and just waiting to go to the beach now. This thing with the free food... I LOVE IT!

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